Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mother is a green tree

She stood up every day to save us in here safe shadow even if  the bright sun blinded her eyes and the drops of rain made her suffer.
She tried every day and still trying to make us happy by a nice word  she is the one with the biggest heart .
She gives us all what she has without asking herself  what we will give back ?..
When we are feeling cold she cuts her branches and she  burn them only to make us feel  warm even if she is feeling the pain and cold while cutting her branches.
At  the night when we are sleeping  this great big tree still behind us to cover us from the enemies and to give us  peace to feel secure and comfort  , While that we see the night dreams but she doesn't .
That tree give us everything to be what we are today.
She made our life as spring, so we should not make her life as an autumn without the her spring beauty by making her sad or alone .
We should stay beside her as a little birds to learn and understand circle of life .

(Remember our mothers  give us an expensive thing for all of our life , she give us her love, interest ,health and her age , so let us give her a big warm love and interest ) .

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