Friday, April 24, 2015

The Special gift

Sometimes we think a lot about a distinctive gift for those who love
we think about something has a gal price
Something very special
Something they did not receive it before
But remains the most beautiful gift is expensive and distinctive
Is the sincerity of feelings about love
by Simple things but its meaning is large
which it is carry our feelings to them in  a unique way
Maybe we  think that precious gift will make them more happy
But the fact is  the beauty of our love for them is making them more  happy
No use of an expensive gift if it does not carry feelings
we can Translate that by  a rose of  honest feelings
Kind words
And by unforgettable moments
Think about what can makes there future is better
and try to shared their dreams and feelings
Example: You may Dedicate your friend a notebook and pen 
(it is very simple), but if you  write to him I'll wait for your famous novel.
you can make this true  go and write for them now. 

Therein lies the difference


Someday the sun will shine on our dreams

It will erase all the darkness around us

Someday we will know the meaning of life

We will realize that the work is the basis

and the  hope is the key for everything

Someday we will realize this
Tip Links
If you want to know the result of something

Stop thinking about the unknown things for long time and about what will happen later

Just do it , try then you will know the answer

If it was a positive that is good
and if it is not, you should learn for the upcoming test .

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Do you know ..!
The person who make you ..
more happy in your life..,
very successful at your work
and make your dream comes true 
is you.. 
,so stop think about other 
And start make all those things which you hope of it true your resolve ,determination and continuing developed your abilities,

 try again and again which show us that you are that great person

The white clouds

The Clouds in the sky give us a lesson in generosity

It's bringing with her a lot of happiness

It's shadow give the warmth for those who are barefoot

The beauty of her white color sent the peace for our heart

When it's raining it's bring goodness for the land and humans

It makes big smile for young and old

It's Give unrequited

And it does  not wait for Thanks giving from any one

It is only give us what is in her heart, which it is honesty and generosity

Why we are not try to give this for other, (what today we give it will  back to us tomorrow) think about it.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Be as a flood

Most of  people  try to put a big rock in your way of ambition just to stop you from completing the journey , and a journey of water starts in a river to reach the sea and to create a flood
 When something tries to stop you what you need to do is to be  as movement of a water till it reach the flood  when it begins  nothing can make it stop  not a stone or rock , all what you have to do is to keep moving .
show them that you completed your way because you have being an honest dreamer with high 
determination so nothing stopped you from completing your journey.
Love means..

Mother who's give her children all what she has

Father who's works very hard to make a good future for his family

Sister who's stand behind her brothers and sisters when something difficult happen

Brother who's encourages and supports his sisters and brothers in their studies and work

neighbor who's ask about his neighbor every day to about if he is good or not

Person who's help others without make them know

Friends who's make a crazy and happy time when they feel there is some one of them sad

Simple things can make a big meaning of love in other's life

Try to give them your love

In a very nice smile,

A good word

And a honest intention

Love has a lot of way and  meaning in our live

Find your love way

Monday, March 23, 2015

Possible and impossible

Size of  letters is not the same, there is a very simple and small changes  in words  that will makes the words meaning different .
 but this small changes can  make a big change in your  dreams and  daily life  , for example :  Possible and impossible
“everything is possible”  a word said once  if we are trying to make our dreams  real and possible even if  we are facing  challenges and difficulties imagine the changes that could happen .
 So we need to start doing  things by not EVEN THINKING  that “im”  can change the meaning of  possible instead we only have to ignore it , and just try to believe it by holding on to your dreams, trusting your abilities and most important believing on yourself…
Don’t ask yourself “WHY” or “ I CAN’T“ because am sure each one of us is capable to achieve ..
keep it in your mind nothing is impossible .. human beings at the first sight they didn’t believe that they can fly or even going to space , or in old times dreaming was not a given choice .
( In my dictionary of  life I believe that impossible is the direct way to find the possible )

 What about you ? do you still have the faith ! …

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mother is a green tree

She stood up every day to save us in here safe shadow even if  the bright sun blinded her eyes and the drops of rain made her suffer.
She tried every day and still trying to make us happy by a nice word  she is the one with the biggest heart .
She gives us all what she has without asking herself  what we will give back ?..
When we are feeling cold she cuts her branches and she  burn them only to make us feel  warm even if she is feeling the pain and cold while cutting her branches.
At  the night when we are sleeping  this great big tree still behind us to cover us from the enemies and to give us  peace to feel secure and comfort  , While that we see the night dreams but she doesn't .
That tree give us everything to be what we are today.
She made our life as spring, so we should not make her life as an autumn without the her spring beauty by making her sad or alone .
We should stay beside her as a little birds to learn and understand circle of life .

(Remember our mothers  give us an expensive thing for all of our life , she give us her love, interest ,health and her age , so let us give her a big warm love and interest ) .